Algalita Marine Research and Education
Algalita is dedicated to the protection and improvement of the marine environment and its watersheds through research and education on the impacts of plastic pollution.
Institute For Local Self Reliance (ILSR)
Since 1974, ILSR has championed local self-reliance, a strategy that underscores the need for humanly scaled institutions and economies and the widest possible distribution of ownership. It’s mission is to provide innovative strategies, working models and timely information to support environmentally sound and equitable community development. To this end, ILSR works with citizens, activists, policymakers and entrepreneurs to design systems, policies and enterprises that meet local or regional needs; to maximize human, material, natural and financial resources; and to ensure that the benefits of these systems and resources accrue to all local citizens.
Clean Water Action – California
Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table.
Northern California Recycling Association
NCRA promotes waste reduction, reuse, salvaging, recycling, and composting as vital tools for resource and energy conservation, and as cost-effective, environmentally sound methods of disposing of discarded materials. Founded in 1978, NCRA is a nonprofit trade organization with around 200 members, the majority of whom are located in Northern California. Boat rockers, we are active locally, regionally, state-wide and nationally depending on what needs to be done.
Solana Center for Environmental Innovation
At Solana Center our mission is to mobilize the local community to address our region’s most pressing environmental issues. With expertise in multiple areas of sustainability, as well as state, regional, and national policy, Solana Center’s programming and outreach provide innovative solutions to businesses and community members in the areas of Zero Waste, composting, water conservation, and more.
UPSTREAM brings together non-profit, government and business leaders to solve the environmental problems caused by products and packaging. They believe solutions are often found upstream with the companies that design, produce and profit from environmentally harmful products. Their current focus is on developing sustainable packaging systems and preventing plastic pollution. By developing and advancing state and local policy and corporate responsibility, UPSTREAM works to drastically reduce the amount of disposable plastic polluting our planet and impacting our health.
Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA)
The Zero Waste International Alliance has been established to promote positive alternatives to landfill and incineration and to raise community awareness of the social and economic benefits to be gained when waste is regarded as a resource base upon which can be built both employment and business opportunity.
Zero Waste USA/GRRN (Administrative Lead)
A major hub of the broad and diverse Zero Waste movement, Zero Waste USA’s mission is to facilitate the transition to a world without waste, promote the Zero Waste brand – No Burn, No Bury, No Toxics, and insure it is not diluted by short term interests.